DMA welcomes Durham County Council calls for Orgreave enquiry


The DMA has welcomed Durham County Council’s calls for a full independent enquiry into policing at Orgreave during the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike.

Striking miners picketing at the Orgreave coking plant in South Yorkshire were subjected to police violence on 18 June 1984.

Durham County Council has passed unanimously with cross party support a motion calling on the Home Secretary to order a full public enquiry into the deployment of police and their behaviour at Orgreave.

The motion states: “As a result of policing tactics at Orgreave during the 1984/85 Miners’ Strike Durham miners and their families were adversely affected by the events of that day, including instances of wrongful arrest, false imprisonment, loss of pension rights, family breakdown and termination of employment.

“Durham County Council believes that an investigation into the military style policing deployed at Orgreave is long overdue and is the only means to ensure justice for the miners and their families. Only a full public inquiry can properly investigate the tactics used by the police that day.”

It was moved by Cllr Rob Crute, DMA executive member and former miner who represents Blackhall.

He said: “Orgreave stands out as a serious miscarriage of justice - and after 40 years we’re still no closer to understanding how events unfolded that day. So, it’s vital that the truth comes out and that the police and any associated bodies are brought to account.

“Thousands of striking miners, including an estimated 1500 from our own county, were at Orgreave and many still suffer today from physical and psychological problems. Many of them lost their jobs and livelihoods.

“What happened at Orgreave sent a message to the police that they could use violence and lies with impunity.

“But the real perversion of justice is that no one has ever been held to account. And that’s why it’s important for everyone concerned that the truth is established through an independent inquiry and that the state is brought to account.

“If we really care about accountability and responsibility in public service - and if we want to ensure that truth and justice prevail we must demand nothing less than a full inquiry into Orgreave.”

To support the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign and to find out more, please visit: