Say No to UCG

The Durham Miners’ Association is totally opposed to underground coal gasification (UCG) on the North East Coast.

Previous tests have proved that underground UCG is dangerous and highly toxic to both people and the environment and has never been successfully implemented anywhere in the world on a commercial scale despite nearly a 100 years of test projects.

UCG is dangerous because it involves setting fire to underground coal reserves and piping the hot gases produced to the surface. These underground fires have proved difficult to control and are prone to explosions of such force that they can blow back to the surface causing large-scale pollution.

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'The Durham Manifesto' Dennis Skinner Speech Gala 2014


All those who were eagerly waiting for a typical barnstorming Skinner speech were not disappointed.

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A Very Sad Week For Socialists


The Durham Miners' Association has been shocked and saddened at the news last week of the death of three stalwarts of the socialist and labour movement, Tony Benn, Bob Crow and Stan Pearce. Our deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family, friends and comrades of all of these three remarkable men.

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Durham Miners' Gala: A time to celebrate, a time to remember


Every pit village in the Durham coalfield has a tribute to the miners who lost their lives fighting fascism. Their names are on cenotaphs, listed alongside all those other brave souls who fell saving Britain from Hitler and Mussolini during the Second World War. So many colliers put down picks and shovels to pick up rifles, joining in their droves the Durham Light Infantry in particular, the government was forced to stop them leaving the Durham mines in 1941 because coal was needed to fuel the war effort.

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Durham Miners Demand Banner Back from Stadium of Light


Dave Hopper the General Secretary of the Durham Miners' Association is writing to Sunderland Football Club to demand the return of the Wearmouth Miners' Banner, which is on permanent display in the Stadium of Light, in protest at the decision to appoint the self-confessed fascist, Paolo Di Canio, as their head coach.

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