Mr Corvan's Music Hall: Premier


Mr Corvan's Music Hall is touring the region in May/June, and it has its world premiere at Durham Gala Theatre on May 25, 26 and 27 (evening and matinee) before touring the region.

It's the most eagerly awaited new writing in the region this year, a play with great music.  We've brought in Benny Graham (Pitman Poets) and Johnny Handle (folk superstar) to help with Ned's brilliant songs.

We have two of the top actors in the North East - Jamie Brown and Chris Connel - and the former Bellowhead violinist, Rachael McShane, as the cast. 

Anti-establishment to the core, Ned was a great favourite in the Durham and Northumberland coalfields. He dedicated his first book of songs to "keelmen, colliers and working men in general". 

A virtuoso violinist, singer/songwriter, comedian and artist, Ned's story is funny and tragic, and inspirational. 

We've pegged the tickets at £15 to make this accessible.  It's about our North East heritage.

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May 25, 2017 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Gala Theatre, Durham